Heart Condition Sidelines Thad J. Smith of Westside Bee Boyz

Local Food Forum has always been there to rally support for food and farm community members facing serious crises. Most often these are farm disasters such as flood, wind damage, drought and fire. In this instance, Chicago beekeeper Thad J. Smith is facing a health crisis that has prompted a GoFundMe campaign on his behalf.
I have known and become friends with Thad since he launched Westside Bee Boyz in 2014. The company has installed beehives around the city and also processes and sells honey and honey products (you may have met and purchased products from him at a local farmers market).
But according to the fundraising site, "He was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was told that sudden cardiac death can occur at any time... He’s not going to be able to continue the work for the business he created in August 2014, WestsideBeeBoyz."
I feel for Thad because he has worked so hard to build his business while supporting our bee (pollinator) population. Click the link below to make a donation.
