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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Ed Wants You to Vend at Taste of Ravinia Festival

Food, crafts, local merchants welcome

Ravinia Farmers Market — located in the north Chicago suburb of Highland Park, near the summer music venue of the same name — is a longtime fixture in Chicagoland's local food community. So is Ed Kugler, the market's manager, and he asked me to share that he's looking for additional vendors to participate in the August 7 Taste of Ravinia Festival.

The event takes place during National Farmers Market Week. August 7 is a Wednesday, Ravinia Farmers Market's regular market day, which will occur as usual from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Jens Jensen Park (easily accessible from the Ravinia Metra train stop). Taste of Ravinia follows with live music, interactive activities, food, beverages and more.

Food and crafts vendors are welcome to participate, as are local merchants. Click below to download the vendor application.


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