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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Farmers Rising Non-Profit Sets Virtual Farm Beginnings Intensive

Updated: 5 days ago

Seven-Week Course Targeted to Farmers with One Year to Five Years Experience

The average age of farmers across the nation is pushing 60, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That makes the cultivation of a new generation of farmers an urgent priority.

Farmers Rising, based in Caledonia, Illinois, is a non-profit that plays an important role as one of the region's leading provider of education for new and beginning farmers. The organization has released its scheduled for its Farm Beginnings Intensive, a seven-week virtual curriculum aimed at farmers with one year to five years of experience.

According to Farmers Rising, the program is designed to help these early-stage farmers "level up your business by improving your financial planning... Farm Business Intensive is the engaging and personalized business training you need to launch or level up your farm business."

The twice-weekly classes are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays from October 2 through November 16. Click the button below to schedule a consultation that will help you determine whether you're an apt candidate for the Farm Beginnings Intensive.


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