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Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Illinois Hemp Growers Association

Building an Industrial Hemp Industry in the Heart of the Midwest

Sponsor Profile

The Illinois Hemp Growers Association is a women-led benefit corporation supported by the sponsorshipdonations, and dues of grassroots members. The IHGA educates producers and consumers while representing the industry's best interests in Springfield and throughout the state of Illinois.


Our goal is to build the resources and relationships necessary to grow a sustainable and equitable hemp industry. The IHGA achieves its goal through public education, consultation and service, working with legislators and statewide media on the issues, and volunteerism.

Anyone can be a member of the Illinois Hemp Growers Association. We are free to join and we offer support to people who are interested in the hemp industry in Illinois.

IHGA members are farmers who are pioneering hemp as a new crop. The IHGA serves and represents many hemp cultivators in Illinois.

The IHGA connects processors and farmers. We promote Illinois hemp processors' products and services to our members to maximize local economic activity.

IHGA members include small to medium size businesses who sell hemp products or are interested in exploring hemp products for their business.

IHGA members advocate for the hemp industry's best interest in Illinois and throughout the Midwest. We are a grassroots network of passionate volunteers and we've been going strong since 2018!

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