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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Leeked Video is an Eye-Opener

UI Extension Shared a Helpful Video on an Allium Family Member

Leeks at a farmers market
Photo by Bob Benenson

The leek is a delicious, milder-tasting cousin of onions and garlic in the allium plant family. It is a very versatile vegetable, and I like to use leeks a lot in soups, stews and vegetable sautés.

Our friends with University of Illinois Extension and UI Health have shared a video about how to buy, store and use leeks. Click the button below to view the video, and thanks to Bianca Bautista of UI Extension Cook County for the submission.

And now, an impromptu trivia question. Where is the leek is a national symbol?

a) Ireland

b) France

c) Wales

d) Norway

No cheating!

A leek
Photo by Bob Benenson

Answer: Wales.

According to legend, the leek has had a place of honor in Welsh culture since the 7th century, when a king ordered his soldiers to wear a leek on their armor in order to be readily identified by each other


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