Do some slicing, then let the oven do the work

Here's a nice easy idea if you (like me) tend to lose a bit of self-control about all that beautiful local peak season produce. Baked ratatouille requires a bit of slicing, but then the oven does all the work.
The above photo is what it looked like before cooking. I used a recipe from writer Mark Bittman's blog, The Bittman Project. I'm sharing the link below, but I'm not sure if it's paid or free (as I have a paid subscription). If you hit a firewall, there are plenty of similar recipes on the web.
That big pile of veggies barely fit in my largest cast iron pan but it cooked down nicely. Bittman recommends sliced onions, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers (I used red) and fresh basil, though he notes that you can mix and match whatever vegetables amuse you. Slice, layer the veggies, and bake.
And if promise you will not need the help of a cartoon French rat to execute this dish.
Here's the finished product, and I'm proud to say that all the produce in the pan is local.
