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  • Writer's pictureBob Benenson

Say It With Florets

All About Broccoli in This Eat.Move.Save Video

Photo by Bob Benenson

I bought my first local broccoli of this season yesterday (June 18) at the SOAR Farmers Market in downtown Chicago. So this feels like the perfect time to share a helpful video from our friends at University of Illinois Extension and UI Health, with tips on how to select, store and prepare this delicious and nutritious vegetable.

Thanks to Bianca Bautista at UI Extension Cook County for providing the content.

Click the link below to view.

Broccoli is a star for your healthy eating list. According to Specialty Produce's website (my go-to for detailed information about veggies and fruit)...

"Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, boost collagen production, and reduce inflammation. The vegetable is also a rich source of vitamin K to assist in faster wound healing and contains antioxidants that can help eliminate free radicals, fiber to stimulate the digestive tract, and lower amounts of vitamin A, potassium, folate, and phosphorus."

The website also has this interesting history of the vegetable: "Broccoli was a prevalent vegetable served during cena, an Ancient Roman dinner reserved for the wealthy upper class." So do as the Romans did and eat your broccoli.

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